Schwoby's RDR2 Strategy Guide

Trapper - Clothing

Although you don’t need to obtain any of the clothing to achieve 100%, or to even complete the story line, the change of cloths can greatly help you out. Additionally, there is a certain amount of pleasure creating your own custom outfits. All of the garment sets are listed individually, along with each of their requirements. At the very bottom is a list of all requirements that you can use as a checklist and each column can be sorted by clicking on the column name. Capacity is an indication of how many items you can carry on the back of your horse. If it’s satchel held, then the capacity will vary depending on the satchel you have equipped.

If you are interested in additional clothing, there are eight store locations you can visit, but more on that here.

Badger Mountain Hat 1x Perfect Badger Pelt
Beaver Mountain Hat 1x Perfect Beaver Pelt
Fox Mountain Hat 1x Perfect Fox Pelt
Skunk Mountain Hat 1x Perfect Skunk Pelt
Bear Grenadier Hat 1x Perfect Black Bear Pelt
Squirrel Flat Cap 6x Perfect Squirrel Pelt
Rat Flat Cap 10x Perfect Rat Pelt
Snake Bulldogger Hat 1x Perfect Sheep Hide
1x Perfect Snake Skin
Iguana Big Valley Hat 1x Perfect Cow Hide
1x Perfect Iguana Skin
Gila Monster Gambler's Hat 1x Perfect Elk Pelt
1x Perfect Gila Monster Skin
Pronghorn Flop Hat 1x Perfect Pronghorn Hide
4x Perfect Opossum Pelt
Deer Cavalry Hat 1x Perfect Deer Pelt
10x Raven Feather
Bison Gambler's Hat 1x Perfect Bison Pelt
4x Robin Feather
4x Oriole Feather
Rat Infantry Hardee Hat 1x Perfect Goat Hide
6x Perfect Rat Pelt
Stalker Accessory 2x Loon Feather
1x Condor Feather
3x Raven Feather
Scavenger Accessory 1x Vulture Feather
1x Seagull Feather
Native Accessory 1x Pheasant Feather
4x Sparrow Feather
3x Robin Feather
Pilgrim Accessory 1x Turkey Feather
2x Cedar Waxwing Feather
3x Blue Jay Feather
Huntsman Accessory 1x Perfect Boar Pelt
1x Hawk Feather
2x Quail Feather
Pioneer Accessory 3x Turkey Feather
3x Duck Feather
3x Chicken Feather
Rococo Accessory 2x Crow Feather
2x Cardinal Feather
Glorious Accessory 1x Oriole Feather
4x Woodpecker Feather
Pursuer Accessory 2x Eagle Feather
2x Pigeon Feather
Majestic Accessory 4x Rooster Feather
2x Woodpecker Feather
2x Songbird Feather
Homestead Accessory 1x Chicken Feather
2x Goose Feather
Judicious Accessory 1x Pheasant Feather
1x Owl Feather

Rugged Wrangler Vest 1x Perfect Pig Hide
Hinterland Vest 1x Perfect Ram Hide
Rustic Vest 1x Perfect Cougar Pelt

Bear Batwing Chaps 1x Perfect Bear Pelt
Ox Fringed Shotgun Chaps 1x Perfect Ox Hide
Elk Fringed Shotgun Chaps 1x Perfect Elk Pelt
Moose Batwing Chaps 1x Perfect Moose Pelt
Batwing Chaps 1x Perfect Deer Pelt
Bear Fringed Shotgun Chaps 1x Perfect Black Bear Pelt
Sheep Batwing Chaps 2x Perfect Sheep Hide
Muskrat Half Chaps 2x Perfect Muskrat Pelt
Deer Pelt Half Chaps 1x Perfect Deer Pelt

Javelina Moccasins 2x Perfect Collared Peccary Pig Pelt
Skunk Trapper Boots 2x Perfect Skunk Pelt
Moccasins 1x Perfect Buck Pelt

You can use this as a checklist and each column can be sorted by clicking on the column name. Capacity is an indication of how many items you can carry on the back of your horse. If it’s satchel held, then the capacity will vary depending on the satchel you have equiped.

Trapper - Clothing
Quantity Type Animal Capacity Availability
1PerfectBadger PeltSatchelChapter 2
1PerfectBear PeltSingleChapter 2
1PerfectBeaver PeltManyChapter 2
1PerfectBison PeltSingleChapter 2
2PerfectBlack Bear PeltSingleChapter 2
3FeatherBlue Jay FeatherSatchelChapter 2
1PerfectBoar PeltManyChapter 2
1PerfectBuck PeltManyChapter 2
2FeatherCardinal FeatherSatchelChapter 2
2FeatherCedar Waxwing FeatherSatchelChapter 2
4FeatherChicken FeatherSatchelChapter 2
2PerfectCollared Peccary Pig PeltManyEpilogue
1FeatherCondor FeatherSatchelEpilogue
1PerfectCougar PeltManyChapter 2
1PerfectCow HideSingleChapter 2
2FeatherCrow FeatherSatchelChapter 2
3PerfectDeer PeltManyChapter 2
3FeatherDuck FeatherSatchelChapter 2
2FeatherEagle FeatherSatchelChapter 2
2PerfectElk PeltSingleChapter 2
1PerfectFox PeltManyChapter 2
1PerfectGila Monster SkinSatchelEpilogue
1PerfectGoat HideManyChapter 2
2FeatherGoose FeatherSatchelChapter 2
1FeatherHawk FeatherSatchelChapter 2
1PerfectIguana SkinSatchelChapter 2
2FeatherLoon FeatherSatchelChapter 2
1PerfectMoose PeltSingleChapter 2
2PerfectMuskrat PeltSatchelChapter 2
4PerfectOpossum PeltSatchelChapter 2
5FeatherOriole FeatherSatchelChapter 2
1FeatherOwl FeatherSatchelChapter 2
1PerfectOx HideSingleChapter 2
2FeatherPheasant FeatherSatchelChapter 2
1PerfectPig HideManyChapter 2
2FeatherPigeon FeatherSatchelChapter 2
1PerfectPronghorn HideManyChapter 2
2FeatherQuail FeatherSatchelChapter 2
1PerfectRam HideManyChapter 2
16PerfectRat PeltSatchelChapter 2
13FeatherRaven FeatherSatchelChapter 2
7FeatherRobin FeatherSatchelChapter 2
4FeatherRooster FeatherSatchelChapter 2
1FeatherSeagull FeatherSatchelChapter 2
3PerfectSheep HideManyChapter 2
3PerfectSkunk PeltSatchelChapter 2
1PerfectSnake SkinSatchelChapter 2
2FeatherSongbird FeatherSatchelChapter 2
4FeatherSparrow FeatherSatchelChapter 2
6PerfectSquirrel PeltSatchelChapter 2
4FeatherTurkey FeatherSatchelChapter 2
1FeatherVulture FeatherSatchelChapter 2
6FeatherWoodpecker FeatherSatchelChapter 2